Direct Impact Nation, your definition of community matters. In this episode Andrea shares what community means to her. Find out how Andrea’s compassionate but honest look at her home town of Savannah,Georgia can help you do the same. Andrea identifies three vulnerable populations in all of our localities and stresses the critical steps necessary to meet their needs. Join us and get clarity on your community’s barriers to sobriety, recovery, and support. Listen and look closely at aging systems that need you breathing life and equity into them. Most importantly, listen as Andrea cites the direct impact of poor resource stewardship. Find out what your community can do to think long-term and prosper.
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Get more insight from Andrea with her free resources:
Heads Up Guidance Services’ Resource Page
Find Andrea at her practice, and check out her upcoming workshops!
Resolve Strategies, Inc.
Andrea is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Masters Addiction Counselor, and Certified Sex Therapist
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